Port-Able Suite - Version History: Website: https://www.port-a.de License: https://git.io/fmKti Sources: https://git.io/fmrjV Library: https://git.io/vb5Vg Support: https://support.si13n7.de ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30 April 2021: UPDATED: * Apps Launcher * Apps Downloader * Apps Suite Updater * Si13n7 Dev.™ CSharp Library CHANGES: Global: * 32-bit and 64-bit architectures are now united * Updated .NET platform to version 4.8 Apps Launcher: * Fixed issues with strange UI behavior at high DPI Apps Downloader: * Fixed issues that caused some files not to be found * Added functionality to automate versioning of app download sources Apps Suite Updater: * Fixed issue where the changelog could not be retrieved ____________________________________________________________________________________ For the complete version history, see: https://port-a.de/ChangeLog_full.txt